Una experiencia para toda la vida

Curso escolar USA 25 / 26  INSCRIPCIÓN ABIERTA

An Experience To Last A Lifetime

An Experience to
Last a Lifetime


¿Estás planeando un viaje emocionante para tu escuela?


¿Estás buscando una nueva experiencia para tu año escolar?

Familias De Acogida

¿Te gustaría acoger a un equipo de otro país?


Programas de inmersión

Acelere las habilidades lingüísticas al rodear a los estudiantes con hablantes nativos y experiencias culturales auténticas, mejore la fluidez del idioma y una mejor comprensión global.

Estudia en el extranjero

Esto es una inmersión total, lleva tu educación al extranjero, estudia en una escuela secundaria local o internacional mientras vives con una amorosa familia de acogida.

Programas de intercambio

¿Qué tal llevar a sus estudiantes al extranjero para habilitarles mezclarse con estudiantes locales? Únase a nuestras escuelas asociadas para vivir una experiencia única en la vida. Aprende en un entorno natural y construye relaciones duraderas.

Inmersión familiar

Aprovecha al máximo unas vacaciones familiares añadiendo clases de cultura e idiomas a tu experiencia.

Nosotros estamos haciendo la diferencia


Estudiantes que viajan


Años de servicio



We Are Making a Difference


Traveling Students


Years of Service




Hosting our students through Pursue Education was a transformative experience, fostering deep connections and cultural exchange. From day one, Sergi & Lucia became cherished family members, creating heartwarming bonds between our children. With seamless support, the experience was about sharing our culture and learning from our guests. This unforgettable journey broadened our horizons, contributing to personal growth and global understanding. We highly recommend Pursue Education for families seeking a meaningful and enriching hosting experience.

Billy & Deborah Harper, Host Family, USA

Having successfully facilitated two language immersion trips to Spain in 2023 I can confidently attest to the seamless coordination and immersive experiences provided. Thank you Pursue Education!

Himanshi, Spanish Faculty, India

I have worked with Pursue Education for several years now. Our school has taken our students to Spain and hosted several students as well. I can attest the professionalism, the organization and quality of the programs.

Karen Maddox, Facilitator, USA

Our family hosted a Pursue Education student from Spain and the entire experience was professionally managed and SO enjoyable! Pursue Education connected us with our student before he arrived and briefed us really well about the program,

Dan & Amanda Girdler, Host Family, USA

Pursue Education planned out the entire two week excursion and organized the trip to the last detail with precision, professionalism, and perfection.

Dr. Barbara Wert, International Coordinator, USA

Pursue Education infused our 2023 Spain trip with lively cultural exchanges, turning language learning into an adventure. Visiting the schools and interacting with the students was the highlight of my Spain trip, leaving me with cherished memories of warmth and joy.

Avery Wert, Student, USA

A pesar de haber solicitado el programa con muy poco tiempo, Pursue Education consiguió encontrarme un High School en Michigan y una maravillosa familia que ha cuidado de mí durante un semestre como si fuera uno más. Gracias a su experiencia y ayuda conseguimos organizar los permisos y estancia en tiempo récord y todo salió perfecto.

Marti Vilalta, Student, Spain

My experience with Pursue Education has been outstanding.  Ephraim and his team are experienced, knowledgeable, and responsive.  They patiently walked me through each step of the process.   The homestay exchange program was nothing short of extraordinary thanks to the exceptional team at Pursue Education.

Paula Booth, Bilingual Case Manager, USA

Hosting a Pursue Education school visit from Spain gave my students in suburban Philadelphia a chance to learn Spanish firsthand and form lasting friendships. I found the communication with the organizers in Spain to be superior to what I was accustomed to. They even arranged for an excellent onsite guide when my students traveled in Barcelona.

Fred Robinson, Facilitator, USA

¡Nunca dejes de explorar!

¿No encuentras tu próxima experiencia?

¡Podemos ayudar!

¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?

Contáctanos para cualquier consulta o programa personalizado.

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