Programs for Students

Individual Immersion
If you are looking for a more tailored and individualized immersion program, we will help you design your own experience. In order to enhance your experience, you can expect a welcoming and loving host family, sightseeing and local cultural activities with your host families, group or private Spanish, Italian or French classes as well as a local coordinator at your disposal 24 hours.
Study Abroad
For highly motivated students that are willing to step out of their comfort zone to pursue full immersion in a reputable high school abroad. Accommodations will be with a welcoming host family from the local high school or surrounding areas. The duration is a minimum of 2 months. Potential destinations are Spain, USA, Italy, France and India.

Education Plus Sports
If you are looking at enhancing your sports skills while studying abroad, then look no further than Pursue Education. Students who participate in sports after school tend to integrate much faster and are more likely to build long lasting friendships. There lots of opportunities depending on the country and school you go to.